Eric and I are going to try and get over to Helen, Georgia this month for
Oktoberfest. Apparently, this is a huge thing there and lasts all month. We tried to get a hotel and they are all completely booked! We'll have to do better planning next year. I guess we're going to drive over on Saturday and stay the day and then just come home that evening. It should be a lot of fun.
Here in Chattanooga, they have something at
Rock City called Rocktoberfest. It's every Saturday and Sunday of this month. I think we may try and check that out too.
We haven't really been doing much around here. Things have kind of slowed down since we moved into the house. Right now the only thing that needs some attention is our office. I think I may paint and then buy a bookshelf and get organized. The closet in here is a disaster! It's similar to a closet that you would see on TV. Someone opens it and piles and piles of junk coming falling out. It definitely needs a clean sweep. Hopefully, it will all be done very, very soon.