I have still been busy in the baby's room trying to put more of the circles up. The walls are starting to look nice but as for the room, it still needs some TLC. The baby has been active more lately which is still just bizzarr. It cracks me up everytime I see it poking me. It's like a little alien trying to get out. Pretty freaky! I'm still not very big (thank goodness) and I will have another belly pic soon. My appetite is great and I'm maintaining some control. Everything just sounds so good these days. Even things that I don't normally eat. For example, I can't remember the last time I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and now that just sounds like the best thing ever. Next time I go to the grocery store I'm getting that and I will enjoy every second of it. My main cravings have just been sweets. I normally crave salty snacks but anything sweet these days are super yummy. I just don't over indulge. Just a little here and there.
I have also been busy just getting the house ready for family this weekend. Tia, Scott, Joshua, Jason and baby Tiana are coming down to visit. I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait to see everyone. It's definitley going to be weird having a baby in the house. Maybe I'll get some pointers from Tia on baby care. That should be interesting. We'll see.
My next appointment is Tuesday the 29th. Basic check up. No more U/S for awhile. I'll keep everyone posted on the baby progress and soon I will have an updated belly pic.