The movers came early! I got home from work yesterday and SURPRISE, there was an enormous 18 wheeler parked out front! Talk about an anxiety attack. We were not nearly ready for them. It was a mad rush to get the rest of our junk packed. There were 3 guys doing most of the work (thank goodness). They were very polite and worked unbelievably fast. This obviously wasn't their first move. They said they would take anything that wasn't nailed down and they did just that. We have nothing. Even our winter coats and gloves got put on the truck. I give Eric a hard time about that. I thought he would have realized they were an important part of this trip, especially for me. I know that it might feel like summer here in Florida but Tennessee is freezing right now!
We have to joke about it and try not to stress. Anytime he thinks I've forgotten something or tries to give me a hard time I say, "The coats are on the truck." He doesn't say much after that. It was just one of those crazy days. I don't think either of us were prepared for such a hectic day. We know that all this moving will be over soon and we'll be up there in our new home.
Hopefully with our coats.
Eric always did run warmer than the rest of the family. When he was little I would have to put a windbreaker on him while the rest of us had on thick parkas. One time while shopping, some ladies said to me 'your little boy looks cold, doesn't have a heavy jacket?' They thought I was a bad Mom because the rest of us were bundled up in warm, thick jackets. Not Eric, he had on a thin jacket.
Read your blog. As they say here at Colson "I heard your voice in it" Haha I can just see it now...Hopefully your trip yesterday (without your coats) was a pleasant and warm one. :) Can't wait to hear what happened next...
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