Lawrence 'Evan'
7lbs. 5oz
7lbs. 5oz
Well, as everyone probably knows, I didn't have to wait until Monday to be induced. I woke up Sunday morning and I thought my water broke. I always assumed that it would be a gush of water but it wasn't. I called my doctor and the nurse told us to go on to the hospital because she said it sounds like my water had truly broken. I started having light contractions as we were getting our bags to head to the hospital and on our way they slowly started to increase. By the time we got there, the contractions were intensifying but still nothing unbearable. The nurse said that it was the real deal and I was taken to the labor and delivery room. I got hooked up to machines and by this time the contractions were getting to be more uncomfortable. They were ready to go ahead and start the pitocin to speed up the laboring process but before they did that, I got my epidural. Amazing stuff! Not real pleasant to get but worth it! Everything after that was smooth sailing. I just sat back and relaxed having contractions but not feeling a thing. By late afternoon the nurse told me it was time to push and I pushed for about 2 hours. The baby was not easy to get out. The doctor used the vacuum and that didn't work so he then tried the forceps. This was our last attempt. If this didn't work we were probably looking at a C-section. At this point it was pretty serious and I just wanted the baby out. The forceps saved the day and our baby was born. Come to find out, the baby's head was not postioned the right way for delivery. It was turned to the side. The doctor said "It's a boy!" and we were shocked. We would have been shocked either way but since so many people thought it was going to be a girl, I think somehow we thought the same. I was so releived when he was out. It was such a surreal experience to finally be able to see him.
Everything went well and I was glad that I didn't have to be induced. He just came on his own and he was meant to be here on August 10th and not the 11th. He is the custest baby ever! It has been pretty crazy here the past few days but now I hope everything will start to mellow out. He is so precious and it's amazing how much love you can instantly feel towards someone you have never met. I just love holding him and I could just hold him all day everyday. I still can't believe he's here. I thought that day would never come. Eric and I are so happy.
feeling great!
feeling great!

Congratulations! I hope the little Turtle brings you more joy than you ever imagined!
Can't believe you are a mom! Congrats to both of you. What a blessing...enjoy every minute. We are so happy for ya'll.
Tommy and I are so happy for you both. Evan really is the cutest baby I've ever seen!
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