It has gotten difficult to manage two blogs and I haven't been able to do much with the old blog. I merged all of the Munchkin posts with the Emery blog. So, the Emery blog is now up to date.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
South Carolina
We recently went to SC to visit friends Amy and Russell, and Lynn, Nick and Nick Jr. We had so much fun! We rented a nice house in the Isle of Palms and grilled everyday. The little boys had fun with each other even though they didn't really know how to play together. The weather was nice and we went swimming and to the beach. The boys loved the beach! Here are some pics from that weekend.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Evan update
I have been slacking on updating my blog. Now I am trying to get everyone caught up with new pictures.
Evan had his 1 year appointment on 8/20. Doctor said that he is doing great. He is 24.12 lbs. and a little over 30in. tall. I talked to the doctor about getting Evan off the bottle and he said that I should try to get him off the bottle by the time he's 15 months. The longer we wait, the harder it will be. The next day I decided to be a little more aggressive about getting Evan to drink his milk from a sippy cup. I was told by the doctor that when he gets thirsty, he'll drink it. Duh...that makes since. I should have thought of that myself. Anyway. The doctor was right. He drank the milk from the sippy. It wasn't easy at first. I put water in the bottle to help with the transition. He was not happy about that and soon pushed the bottle away. Now that he was successful with his sippy, I now had to get him to take the sippy before his naps and bedtime. Tricky! Evan had been taking a bottle 3 times a day. I decided to try and put him down for the morning nap without a bottle. Surprisingly, no problem. I couldn't believe it! No tears or screams! Next nap, same thing and bedtime was just as easy! Wow! I'm now thinking that I should have done that a long time ago! He has been bottle free for just over a week. What a big boy! We are so proud of him!
We had a nice long visit with Grammie Emery. She was here for 2 weeks and we had a great time. We went shopping and made out really well at a huge consignment sale. Evan is now set for Fall.
Poor Evan has been grumpy the past few days and he has also been trying to give up his morning nap. Some days he skips it and other days he needs
it. He has also been getting more teeth in. Another one on the bottom has popped through and there's a couple up top that are trying to come through. It is such a slow process. I think I hate teething as much as he does!
Oh! I almost forgot! A week after Evan's birthday, Grammie and I took him up to Toys R Us. We are a member of Geoffrey's Birthday club. WooHoo! We received an invitation to bring him up to the store and they would give him something special. He got a balloon and and birthday crown. He was so cute! He loved the balloon. I got a few pictures from that day and with his Grandma.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Eric ordered kilts for him and Evan the other day. They will both wear them for special occasions or just for fun. They will definitely wear them on Eric's birthday (St. Patrick's Day). While we were visiting up North, one Eric's buddies has a kilt for himself and his one year old daughter. We put the kilt on Evan to see how it fit and it looks great! I can't wait to get his new kilt and try it on him again! I will get pics of them both in their new kilts! Here's a couple of Evan from July.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Evan!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Snack Cup

Here's a picture of the snack cups that I have for Evan. It's designed in such a way that the snacks inside won't spill out and all you have to do is reach in and grab the food. Easy right? I have been working with Evan on sticking his little hand in and pulling out his snack. He can do it! He just doesn't want to. He figured out that all he has to do is put his thumb on one of the flaps and shake the cup. Whatever is inside ends up all over the floor. Then, he sits down and proceeds to eat off the floor! I have been putting baby goldfish in the cups and I have little fish under the couch. Those are the ones he can't get to and eat. Hopefully he will change his ways and not make such a mess. (wishful thinking I guess) That probably won't happen!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Evan smiling
Evan has a very silly face when he smiles. I was trying to get a picture of his knot on his head from when he fell at Little Gym. He stumbled and hit the frame on a door with his forehead. Poor thing. He's always crashing into things with his noggin. Anyway. He smiles with his entire face and looks funny. It can be seen in some of the video I've taken of him. Check him out! can kind of see the knot above his right eye.

Monday, July 20, 2009
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