I have been slacking on updating my blog. Now I am trying to get everyone caught up with new pictures.
Evan had his 1 year appointment on 8/20. Doctor said that he is doing great. He is 24.12 lbs. and a little over 30in. tall. I talked to the doctor about getting Evan off the bottle and he said that I should try to get him off the bottle by the time he's 15 months. The longer we wait, the harder it will be. The next day I decided to be a little more aggressive about getting Evan to drink his milk from a sippy cup. I was told by the doctor that when he gets thirsty, he'll drink it. Duh...that makes since. I should have thought of that myself. Anyway. The doctor was right. He drank the milk from the sippy. It wasn't easy at first. I put water in the bottle to help with the transition. He was not happy about that and soon pushed the bottle away. Now that he was successful with his sippy, I now had to get him to take the sippy before his naps and bedtime. Tricky! Evan had been taking a bottle 3 times a day. I decided to try and put him down for the morning nap without a bottle. Surprisingly, no problem. I couldn't believe it! No tears or screams! Next nap, same thing and bedtime was just as easy! Wow! I'm now thinking that I should have done that a long time ago! He has been bottle free for just over a week. What a big boy! We are so proud of him!
We had a nice long visit with Grammie Emery. She was here for 2 weeks and we had a great time. We went shopping and made out really well at a huge consignment sale. Evan is now set for Fall.
Poor Evan has been grumpy the past few days and he has also been trying to give up his morning nap. Some days he skips it and other days he needs
it. He has also been getting more teeth in. Another one on the bottom has popped through and there's a couple up top that are trying to come through. It is such a slow process. I think I hate teething as much as he does!
Oh! I almost forgot! A week after Evan's birthday, Grammie and I took him up to Toys R Us. We are a member of Geoffrey's Birthday club. WooHoo! We received an invitation to bring him up to the store and they would give him something special. He got a balloon and and birthday crown. He was so cute! He loved the balloon. I got a few pictures from that day and with his Grandma.

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